Saronno, Busto Arsizio and Gallarate are three of the largest and most industrialized cities in the area of Varese: they are home to several points of cultural interest, but also to markets, shopping centers, small craft shops and interesting boutiques.
Busto Arsizio - the most populated city of the province is an industrial and commercial center, developed during the centuries thanks to the activities of spinning and weaving of cotton. It is located on the Strada del Sempione that connects Milano with Lake Maggiore. Spend a day uncovering the town and do some shopping around: the small historic center is full of shops, and whithin a few minutes driving distance (via Busto Fagnano) there's a shopping area.
Markets in town: Antiquariato & Collezionismo - via Milano, Piazza San Giovanni, Piazza Santa Maria - every last sunday of the month except for july and august
- Civiche Raccolte d’Arte
- Textile Museum
- Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Piazza
- Villa Ottolini-Tosi and the Gardens
- Ugo Foscolo Park

@symo__79 and @edoardopili
Gallarate - with an history related to the mechanical, textile and aeronautical industries, Gallarate has a good railway and road network as well as an important role as an industrial center. The old town is worth a visit, especially if you love shopping: the most beautiful shop windows are located in the pedestrian area.
Leaving the center you will also find the Malpensa Uno Shopping Center, with 38 stores, a big market and the food court. In addition, along via Milano you can find different kind of stores and restaurants.
Markets in town: Antico mercato di Gallarate - Area pedonale P.zza Libertà - via Mazzini, via Turati, via Verdi - 3° Sunday of the month, except for july and aug

@lorein98 and @lansiomalo
Saronno - located in the Altomilanese, it is well connected with the rest of the region. Stores are located in the central square of the city, between small bars and pastry shops where you can taste the typical Amaretto di Saronno, but also along the streets SP233 and SP527 where you can find many shops and restaurants.
Markets in town: Vintage market - Old town - last Sunday of the month

@maxniger and
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