Varese, land of events

Until Sunday 3rd March 2024 | Museo della Ceramica - Saronno

"Sull'impronta - Scultura e suono di Andrea e Francesco Strizzi" - exhibition

The Ceramic Museum in Saronno will host the 'Sull'impronta - Scultura e suono di Andrea e Francesco Strizzi' exhibition until Sunday 3rd March. The exhibition unites the formal and conceptual individualities of the two brothers.

Andrea Strizzi investigates the relationship between form, sound and matter through gesture, with ceramic installations, making the percussionist's movements perceptible on a tactile level. Using drawings, sound performances and tactile sculptures, he transforms sound into an articulate, participatory project, to make visible that which is temporary by nature.

Francesco Strizzi, luthier and artist, explores the 'invisible relationships' between sound, objects and movement. Pairs of parallelepipeds and spheres, tuned to specific frequencies, create a unique sound and visual composition. The artist researches unconventional shapes that are transformed into surprising sound devices, using plaster in an innovative way to give objects an ethereal aura.

In the exhibition it will be possible to see and touch the ceramic works, and to listen to the sounds that generated the impressions. There will also be hands-on clay workshops open to all!


  • Saturday 17th February at 4:00 p.m.: children's workshop 'In punta di dita', sound and tactile experiments with clay and making small instruments. Cost € 7.00
  • Saturday 17th February from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.: workshop for adults "Dripping time" with a musical theme. Free sound painting on ceramic tiles. Cost € 5.00 per tile.
  • Saturday 24rd February at 4:00 p.m.: workshop "Touching sound", organised by A. Strizzi. Working clay through impressions and gestures, interacting with the musical rhythms proposed. With the participation of percussionist Stefano Corbetta

The booking is mandatory! 


    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
