Varese, land of events

29 September 2023 | Ville Ponti

Memories of a collector in Ville Ponti

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano ETS is proposing a special tribute to the great collector who in 1996, together with his wife Giovanna, decided to donate to the Foundation his home in Varese and his collection of 20th century artworks, among the most important and best known in the world.

The appointment is set for Friday 29 September at 9 p.m. at Ville Ponti, Varese, where there will be an exceptional reading of excerpts from Ricordi di un Collezionista (2006), by Giuseppe Panza who, with his choices, his thought and his vision, profoundly marked the history of contemporary art.

The voice will be that of the actor Umberto Orsini who will reveal, giving substance to the collector's words, a part of his spiritual journey and the intellectual adventure that gave life to a unique collection of art, today largely transcribed at Villa Panza and made accessible by FAI.

The reading of some pages from the Memories will be preceded by an introduction by Anna Bernardini, Director of the Villa and the Panza Collection.

Before the start of the reading, from 6 to 9 p.m., it will be possible to visit Villa and the Panza Collection and the temporary exhibition 'Ex Natura'. Those who wish will also be able to enjoy a light dinner - by reservation only - at the Luce Restaurant in Villa Panza.


  • full price 19 €;
  • FAI members and reduced 6-18 years old 10 €;
  • students 19-25 years 13 €;
  • family (2 adults and children 6-18 years) 46 €

FOR INFORMATION: tel 0332 283960 email

    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
