Varese, land of events

Da giovedì 29 settembre a domenica 2 ottobre | Schiranna - Varese


The Birrtellina, the Valtellina festival made by the Valtellinesi, returns to Varese at the party area of ​​the Schiranna! A unique festival in the Italian panorama, an extraordinary sensory experience with the greatest protagonists of Valtellina:

  • The Accademia Del Pizzocchero di Teglio (The Italian University of Pizzocchero) which kneads, cooks and serves pizzoccheri at the moment
  • Butega Valtellina which prepares "Unique, non Typical" Valtellina cutting boards; the legendary "Sciatt" handmade, one by one and the stall of Valtellina products to take home!
  • The best beers of Valtellina selected by Paneliquido, specialists in craft beer festivals
  • Amaro Braulio and Valtellina distillates

The event will take place indoors in tensile structures with side closures. Reservation is required: (seats available until exhaustion)

For more information:

    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
