Varese, land of events

From Sunday 4th June to Saturday 30th September 2023 | Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca

Itinerari in Val Veddasca

From Sunday 4th June until Saturday 30th September 2023, the Pro Loco of Maccagno has organised six new natural and cultural itineraries to discover the Sacred Valley! 



  • The nature itineraries have a limited number of participants, reservations are required by the Thursday before. 
  • The cultural itineraries are free to participate. 
  • All proposals are free of charge with the possibility of a direct free offer



Sunday 4th June

Nature trail - "Distant horizons: fir trees and panoramas in the upper Veddasca Valley"

Time 10:00 a.m.

Organised by Controvento Trekking and Clorofilla Naturopathy with Paolo Fumagalli and Sonia Gallazzi

Saturday 17th June

Cultural itinerary - "Lozzo: women keepers"

Time 5:35 p.m.

By Federico Crimi

Saturday 24th June

Distant horizons among the fir trees and views in the upper Veddasca Valley

Time 9:30 a.m.

By Paolo Fumagalli of Controvento and Sonia Gallazzi Clorofilla

Sunday 2nd July

Nature trail - "Biegno: village life and light plants up there on the border"

Time 10:00 a.m.

Organised by Controvento Trekking and Clorofilla Naturopathy with Paolo Fumagalli and Sonia Gallazzi

Saturday 8th July

Cultural itinerary and theatre performance - "Campagnano: Va' pensiero"

Time 5:35 p.m.

Play "Il racconto dl nabucco di temistocle Solera" by Coopuf Teatro

Sunday 13th August

Cultural itinerary and theatre performance - "Cadero: La Gioconda"

Time 5:30 p.m.

Play "La Monna Lisa rubata" by Teatro Drao Varese

Saturday 9th September

Cultural itinerary - "Armio: the churchyard of a thousand rites"

Time 5:30 p.m.

By Elisabetta Cornolò

Saturday 30th September

Art Exhibition

Tima 5:30 p.m.

By Daniela Domestici 

Meeting point Maccagno

The Sacred Valley is a project of Pro Loco Maccagno Lago Maggiore supported by the Fondazione Comunitaria del Varesotto.

    Lago Maggiore Meeting Industry
    Provincia di Varese
    Consorzio Qualità Miele Varesino
